Ideal's marketing literature which we received and which opens with "Retrofitting Aluminum Wire Used To Be A Can of Worms"."Not Any More!" should not be taken That information, along with information from Professionals we learned that the manufacturer has responded to some of the CPSC concerns. : AL-Rated Twist-On Connector Debate Continues: At a second meeting at CPSC HQ on 9/28/95, attended by the manufacturer, CPSC, UL, the author, and other Reply contained no information except asserts no reported problems.ġ/31996 Fire Hazards With Aluminum to Copper Twist-on Connectors & Acceptable Repair Practices Color Photos, Alternative Retrofit/Repair Procedures, Current Issues. Indicate Ideal-65 purple Twist-on retrofit connector fails UL 486C Safety Standard despite its UL-listingġ/311996 Ideal Corporation has indicated they're sending us additional information. Field failures of this device in actual service have now been reported. Independent Research report to IEEE Holm Conference indicates splices using this connector are not capable of long term safe performance as part of the permanent wiring of existing aluminum-wired homes. CPSC Against Twist-On Aluminum Wire Connectors documents the US CPSC position on the use of twist-on connectors for aluminum wiring repairs Independent Research report to IEEE Holm Conference of a study of more than 4,531 of these connectors used in 102 apartments indicates that significant field failures occurred and were attributable to the connector itself, not to installation practices nor to any unusual condition of the aluminum branch circuit wiring. Independent Research Evaluates Performance of the Ideal-65 Twist On Connector We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. Marketed by Ideal Corporation as a retrofit product for aluminum wiring. Research concerning use of the Ideal #65 Twister™, a twist-on connector listed by UL and This document provides opinions, conclusions, and links to public documents outlining the history of debate and 65 twist-on connector usage debate regarding aluminum wiring: We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest.